
A winner is you!

Ferocious Fuchsia.

I think pre-rendered/live action (?!) cutscenes can make good "bookends" for a game. Not every game needs them and they're easy to over do.

Everyone know "A" is teh win button. "B" is loser button. Ur just a "B" button fanboi.

20 bucks isn't bad for the remote, but you'd be better served saving up for a harmony. Then you only need one remote. Ever.

If you're going to try and make changes to the firmware/software I'm running on MY hardware, then I deserve the courtesy of some patch notes. Especially since the console updates always come with an ultimatum attached.

The best version of the hanta virus has more amusing fever dreams.

I wonder how hard it would be to make Lefty Link an option? Would they have to have an entirely new set of animations for it or would just flipping them work?

At PAX Prime last year, the poor guys demonstrating the Wii version of Force Unleashed 2 practically begged me to stop and play it. I may or may not have been in the process of saying something like "Oh, it's just the Wii version."

The original release of GTA 3 had its rating changed from M to AO after the hot coffee mod nonsense, at which point retailers dropped it like it was a Snoop Dog reference.

I think everyone missed the far more important point: THEY ARE RESEARCHING MAKING A ROBOTIC REPLICA OF AN INDIVIDUAL!

And Bobby went on to not say "... it turns out you can't just slap "Hero" on anything and everything and have automatic success. /shrug"

What about Mii Wii U. Duke Nukem crossover, anyone?

I die inside every time I see Righty Link.

I sincerely hope that "gearing it more toward today's gamer" doesn't mean "trying to make it play just like Call of Duty."

The ninjas' greatest victory is making us believe they are not stealthy.

So that must be what a Brit doing a bad American accent sounds like. Now I'm so sorry for all those times I tried to do a British accent. So sorry.

I'm still miffed that Link is right handed now.

Still, I got more enjoyment from that video than I did from Force Unleashed.

So what he's saying is that they haven't learned not to show misleading tech demos in the interim?