
TV magic and budgets still result in a beautiful thing, no?

Rookie mistake Torch... this was the correct answer for Florida.

That was my response to this vid as well! I've got an FD also, and if life keeps going well for me I'd definitely pick up one of the earlier generations, the FB + junkyard LS1 combo is the most ridiculous power to weight ratio monster on a budget.

Roughly a year ago, when I lost my 98 Z28 in a battle with a deer (sad, but funny story), I got the chance at owning the only car I ever loved more than my Z28. A 93 RX7 R1 in impeccable shape, and I have never been happier. I wanted a car that I can look back and be proud of my ability to take it to the limit, and

Sure, my non-gearhead friends laugh at all the kids with their rally modded STIs and Evos ("HAHA they spent HOW MUCH on that suspension?") UNTIL

Well, at least this occurred in an area for racing and not, say, a parking lot full of unwilling spectators. Points to him for running in the right environment, so I'll try to give him a fair defense -