
Martin Short is a goddamn Canadian National Treasure

Is that supposed to be a hard question to answer?

Actors can indeed “do this professionally”, but throughout the career field, there are those that do it better than others, and most certainly those that can or can’t play something opposed to themselves well.

There are probably hundreds of clips with Maher on Youtube conclusively demonstrating that he is garbage at his supposed core competency - interviewing. One that sticks out for all the wrong reasons is an ‘interview’ he did with directors Tarantino and Apatow.

He’s not on your side and he’s certainly not on liberals’ side. He’s one of the chief anti-vaxxers who can’t stop showering Netanyahu with praise, vehemently hates Muslims, supports restricting immigration, and stacks his panels with discredited right wingers. He’s a hack who has been making the exact same three

The worst part about Bill Maher’s show is Bill Maher.

If he could pull off an accent, would love Doctor Doom.

An obvious case of cultural appropriation that any reasonable person should condemn. Only homophobes should be playing homophobes.

No, it’s Mitchell & Webb. Although the girl who gets rescued is (now Oscar-winning) Olivia Colman, who was a university friend of the duo.

I have proof that Samuel Beckett wasn’t a vampire - according to Cary Elwes’s book ‘As You Wish’, Samuel Beckett used to drive Andre the Giant to school in his convertible, because Andre was too big for the school bus. And vampires wouldn’t have convertibles. Unless they’re Angel, I guess. 

I can understand having a vision for American Gods or Star Trek that requires a larger budget, but Friday the 13th? Really?

Normally I’d go to bat for creators over producers, but Fuller going wildly over-budget and claiming creative differences before leaving or being fired from a show is about as predictable as the sun rising in the east at this point.

  • I love that the vampire play they were workshopping was basically Waiting For Godot (only here it was Guido!).

Can you imagine being the sound guy for these shows?

Ah see I remember it like Daemon didn’t mention him. My memory is shit though.

I think the sounds of Cheese and Blood sawing off the kids head was more gruesome than seeing the actual killing. It was well done.

Thanks for the shout out for the Art Department! It was a lot of work :)
Cheers from Prague

The sound of the killing was almost worse than seeing it. 

I actually do think that particular child murder on screen would have been too much for many viewers, and cutting away was the right choice.