Black people didn’t invent the “One Drop” rule—but go awf, I guess.
Black people didn’t invent the “One Drop” rule—but go awf, I guess.
You are using the “No True Scotsman” fallacy on race. And since race is some made-up shit you can sorta get away with it. But I tell you, if my daughters are black enough to get a heaping dose of racism, they are black enough to be black.
Seems like Markle is not black enough for you to defend her, and not white enough…
It’s been a long year, so you’re likely trolling out of sheer boredom, but I’m bored too, “relative,” you mean Meghan’s mother, as opposed to Rachel Dolezal’s two white parents?
great, after seeing the Lady and the Dale I can’t get your idea out of my head. What a way to make a bizarre story even bizarrer.
She reminded me of “mother” from Pink Floyd’s The Wall. I couldn’t pin it down at first, but there it was.
It’s strange and nasty watching people come to the defence of Allen, somehow claiming that because Dylan’s mother may have been neglectful than her account must be false, despite the fact that Mia wasn’t even the one who wanted to file the police report. It’s gross, and my heart breaks for Dylan having an entire…
My one hope for all of this: I never have to hear about the fucking Snyder Cut again. I generally try not to yuck other people’s yum. I get that Snyder’s style is not appealing to me and that’s fine. Enjoy what you enjoy.
But damnit I am tired of hearing about this fucking thing.
Yeah I still don’t know how I feel about this song. I don’t think its necessarily fair to say that only the Ben Shapiro’s of the world have a problem with it. I have an 11 year old and 13 year old daughter and its not a song I really want them listening to let alone seeing the video for. To that point, I also am…
I’m still confused as to what an “ass-pussy” is.
If white people gave up white supremacy, they wouldn’t feel the need to say it.
I would probably have Lisa down for a full ride scholarship to the college of her choice.
If what I’ve observed in the corporate world translated to cartoon Springfield, his incompetence would mean he would have been promoted several times by now and making an enviable salary doing his job badly.
Well, after 32 years, their mortgage has probably been paid off, he’s had the same car since the 80s, his kids go to public school, he’s never going to have to pay for college tuition, and his only family vacations come in the form of road trips and contest prizes. The real lede here is that Homer is the kind of…
The flip side is that homer, as a nuclear safety inspector of over 30 years, would almost definitely be making six figures.
My main concern would be reliability and maintenance, as it’s German, thus the battery probably has dozens of unnecessary moving parts that are failure prone and expensive to repair.
This isn’t exactly a reply to this excellent article—I’m sorry! And also, I love your reporting on the Royals. Equal parts deep fandom and deep distrust (like me!)
I’m so sick of hearing people say Megan is a narcissist.
She is several things.
1. A grown woman.
39 years old. Even 19 year old Diana chafed against the…
Why is Piers Morgan still employed? Who likes him?
I’m sure he hates the idea of Honda, of all brands, beating him to level 3.
Stay tuned tomorrow dear readers for 17 Merkins That PETA Wouldn't Rescue.