
Tried this before with other prints, but not always successful.  Since this post, I have found others that look just as beautiful.  Thank you for the tip, though.

It’s still beautiful.  I want a copy of it on my wall.  Options?

You mean Spankfellow. Because that’s what he seems to be doing to G/O Media.

Looks like it will be a cold day in hell after all.

I want to know how the fuck Feinstein and Pelosi, Democrats supposedly “for the people”, get all that cash. Must be some congressional insider trading the rest of us peons. Seems to be working for that whack job MTG as well.  Richard Burr also made some good buck as a congressman!

One idea that I believe Torch put out was some kind of ATC like system for leading cars “on a wire”, which would be the ideal way of doing it.

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The degree of calm and self-promotion almost reminds me of the stupid Trevor Jacobs plane “malfunction” stunt, except on ice, and with no GoPro footage (that we know of). I wouldn’t be shocked if she did it for views. Or she was just high on Space Cake.

That about sums it up. You don’t have to like it (I don’t - I’m black and white), but that is exactly how politicians and businessmen play this game. Those of us who have a morality and want to do the right thing are driving ourselves mad, and those bastards use it to play with those with morals, throwing smokescreens

I actually listened to the podcast.

Bob Saget never did anything for me (admittedly, I never saw his standup), but he did have some interesting things to say.

If the mainstream media would publish this, then 99% of the unvaccinated males will be rushing to their vaccine site demanding it faster than they can log on to their OnlyFans account.

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Now we need some mood music from...who else? IceJJFish! On The Floor!

We knew Musk was full of shit on a lot of things for a while, but what sealed it to me was his Tesla “Robot” demonstration. It blew big donkey dicks, even as a joke.

Wonder if Judge Adrian would feel the same way if his daughter/son/himself were raped by a 16 year old with no criminal record...just saying...

I guess they will have to change the app name to “GETTR BI DBLZ”, which MAGA guys pretty much got done to them by Cheeto. Again. And again.

I find it hard to call Tesla “luxury” anymore, and would rather call it a crappy quality, “spartan as luxury” car masquerading as a luxury brand.

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I’m actually looking forward to this. It looks like lightyears from Kiss and The Phantom Of The Park (especially the acting).

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The Teslarati answer: “Of course...because this is all a test for...Hyperloop.