Drinky the Drunk Guy

Love me some Limbo, tho it’s been a decade or so since I last saw it...

I agree, tho still have never mustered up the balls for a re-watch...

Did not know any of this! Not sure why I never caught Magnolia, and am not very familiar with Mann’s work either (apart from loving her and Ted Leo as The Both)... will investigate, thanks!

I have an irrational-but-deep hatred of slideshows... so, when you’re “adding more recommendations” in the future, will the new stuff be loaded into the “front” of the stupid fucking slideshow?

Yeah, everyone staying at least 6 feet apart would make for a tricky orgy...

This is timely; I got the Netflix DVD sitting at home (think I’ll save it for Friday night viewing tho as I can get much drunker then). I was married when the movie came out and my wife FORBADE me from watching it (coz it was so “sexy” I assume), so, 20-some-odd years later, I’ll be watching it anyway, ha!

She looks like she *ate* Paula Deen...

I’m a little broken up.... their crispy chicken salad with Newman’s SW dressing was surprisingly good; in fact, that’s the only thing on their menu I would label as such...

What about the bundt pan meatloaf, where you fill the center whole with mashed potatoes?

Yes, I haven’t Hulu’d in several years; I believe I’ll re-up just to revisit those amazing doctors in Brazil!

There was indeed a *very* Hannah Gadsby-esque familiar in the group, but according to IMDB she is Tricia Black.

I thought coz’ he made her clean the honeymoon toilet too...

I caught Patton Oswalt’s new Netflix show, “I Love Everything”... a couple bits had me laughing so hard it *fucking HURT*. It’s always a joy to See Oswalt tho and he’s in fine form here.

My main Shrek (2001) recollection is that a buddy I hadn’t seen in years was in town and we decided to do a movie, but he *refused* to see Shrek (“I’m not gonna watch a KID’S MOVIE... in a THEATER!!”) soooo we watched the throughly-mediocre The Mummy Returns instead. I went back a day or 2 later and caught a Shrek

By all logic, I should *love* gnocchi, but having only experienced the pre-packaged stuff, I’ve been pretty let down. I do look forward to trying your “roasting” trick tho, Allison, thanks!

The crudely drawn “IN CASE OF LADLE” sign over the gun in Morty’s vat made me fucking howl!

re “Plus, I have yet to find a brand of paper towels that doesn’t leave tiny fibers behind.”

Well, sure, but, like, 90% of my dietary fiber comes from the paper towel lint in my skillets!

Dang... I at least hope his corpse isn’t just floating loosely around inside a space shuttle... RIP 

And she was similarly fantastic in Being John Malkovich!

Each of the few times I did a hit of blotter ended up exactly the same way, with me thinking a few hours later “OK... I”m ready for this to STOP now...” and of course it didn’t. I’ll gladly take some good shrooms any day (*much* nicer comedown), but I’m done with the acid... unless maybe it was free and ya twisted my