First thing I thought of...
P.S. I ain’t afraid of no rolly coaster!
First thing I thought of...
P.S. I ain’t afraid of no rolly coaster!
You know what I feel like? A mother ‘effin beer...
Not a city at all; just one square block...
Maaany years ago, I lost a drunken bet to a friend, who demanded a Dairy Queen ice cream cake from our podunk franchise. They had pre-decorated cakes, so I picked one with a bikini babe drawn in icing.
The woman at the counter asked if I wanted anything written on it, which I did not expect, but immediately blurted out…
Thx, Yuri... you gave me better than I deserved!
Does anything get wrapped up like douche?
Does a dingo eat anything in this?
So, now, even “official” synopses contain massive spoilers... yay...
Hear! Hear!
Mommy, daddy, I learneded a new game from teevee, wanna play Jizzscuit?
...or “shit & scroll” if you’re multi-tasking.
re “ if one were 50 years old and didn’t have enough else going on in one’slife such that one had the mental and emotional bandwidth to get deeply personally invested in whether a franchise film, or season of a TV show, or whatever, lives up to a certain standard, I think that’d be kind of bleak...”
Speaking as one…
I’m behind the times as always, but happy to be newly running through the colorful/complicated netherworld of Disgaea D2 (PS3) and to make it even better, my gf has been sucked into the game so we can compare notes, etc. and generally have something to talk about, so yay! TGIFF!
?? But... a baby’d be no match for a good pair of loppers!
...unless it was those stop-motion skeletons that gave him a boner...
Fuck the fuchsia! It’s FRIDAY!!
(honorary Friday anyway... Cheers!!)
Eh, sounds like a Mystake...
(and funny!)
Caught him live in Vegas a few years back and it was a hoot... (tho he *did* open his show with like a half-hour of funny movie clips, which, while funny, were just a bunch of movie clips I which I slowly realized I had just PAID to watch... oh well, good show anyway)
Haha, yeah, like Andy Rooney complaining! I get it!
Oh, shit, I’m old too...