
How lazy do you have to be to pay someone to order something for you. “Siri remind me to get tide since I am going to the store for food anyway”

How lazy do you have to be to pay someone to order something for you. “Siri remind me to get tide since I am going

White chick. White “racing”suit. So much for diversity $kaycog.


I am still double tapping all the photos in attempts to like them apparently I am way to used to using Instagram.

Why should my valet get the head when I am free in the back seat?

Wonder if the cops are planning future steak outs?

This. No reason for such a late apex and looked as if he was trying to block. Even if h was passing the car on his outside it looked like a horrible line.

Well they have all off season to color it in.

You and the security guard.

As a native and life long Floridian that hates snowbirds,”Fuck you, fuck off, and good day.”

Well it's better than giving them a criminal record.

All I think of is wine.

NAH Less than 25% of NASCAR fans can read so the proportion of readers that can are actually excited for the road course.

Talk about sloppy second, third, and fourth gear.....

She might need a car but looks like she already knows how to drive stick.

Kind like how NBC should be charged with murder for shoving the Olympic ads down our throat until we choke?

Last nights 2 run HR robbery by Auburn softball saved them from a near impossible deficit only to lead into a walk off Grand slam.

It’s the ability to carry a camera in the car the will connect to the Internet on Facebook. I am sure they won’t drop a few grand for one.

Well until Gawker gets backing from a billionaire to fund their lawsuits, the money is tied up. Be happy the writers have smartphones and data plans until then.

Talk to Zuck. If he can get Nick at GoPro to integrate FB live onto the cameras we’d be in for a treat.