
I knew every adult from my childhood was wrong and that I should watch more TV, not less.

Great interview, Will Harris!

I saw Isabelle Adjani in Queen Margot a long time ago and always think of it as a great movie, I am hesitant to watch it again.

Also, the Voigt-Kampff test

Not Marty. I saw Marty three time. The Best Picture from two years ago, and I don't know it?

Other Brandon concurs.

I wonder how that Jonny Wurster kid is doing.

Joel Cairo: You… you bungled it. You and your stupid attempt to buy it. Kemedov found out how valuable it was, no wonder we had such an easy time stealing it. You… you imbecile. You bloated idiot. You stupid fat-head you.

I'll be damned

I was thinking there must have been some fun parties on the Parks and Recs set.

Maybe a giant eagle of healthcare freedom can swoop down, snatch McConnell, fly high above the bombs bursting in air, then drop McConnell on a rock that cracks open his shell exposing all his innards.

It is interesting here in West Virginia, the heart of El Trumpo country there is an opiod epidemic. Lennon Lenin said religion was the opium of the masses, but today in West Virginia Oxy is the opium of the masses. El Trumpo wont bring their coal jobs backs, and El Trumpo will cut off their access to healthcare and

I am reminded of a certain president who also closed down state hospitals and created a homeless problem over night.

No pictures?

Could El Trumpo build a wall so high even he could not pile up enough bullshit to ride to the top?

'tis true, eaten by a giant sea turtle called the McConnell

If our laissez-faire attitude towards guns doesn't get you our down right evil attitude towards health care will!

If there isn't there should be.

So, a remake of Barney Miller featuring Eric Bogosian, Ed Harris, and John Travolta.

RIPTIDE! Whoooo!