Manitos, The Tiny Hands of Trump

How does a hate filled, disgusting, immoral man get so many Republicans to protect him time and time again?


Fuck all the way off.

Now playing

There’s a Youtube doc by Secret Base about the correlation with the rise of UFC and the Dubya (and Obama)-era rise of angry conservatism.

Proving my point.

LOL. Stay mad, honky.

Angry white dudes need to have an outlet.

Cancel Culture” does not exist. Name one artist that has had their career ended by internet outrage over a trivial transgression. The only people that face any repercussions are those who commit heinous or criminal acts.

Weird that all of a sudden we cannot prove ______ guilty beyond a reasonable doubt,” is an obstacle as opposed to every other damn time. It’s not up to you, that’s for a jury to decide. Not even getting a day in court is a slap in the face to the victims and their families.

Violence is the first language of wypipo.

This is the least surprising thing I’ve read today. That’s where we are as a country.

Shut the fuck up.

Just reading the headline, I knew this was a Republican idea. Party of small government big business

It won’t. America is not the world, sweetie.

Who the fuck is Boosie Badazz?

Yeah, if you were male, straight and white, the Reagan years were great. For the rest of us, it fucking sucked.

Then they go out and eat steak with their lobbyists friends.

Both sides-ism isn’t a good look on you.

How them boots taste?

Probably because you’re a piece of shit.