
@TenthPlanet: Call me about an SGI or a Cray. I can hook you up.

I think flights of fanciful civil disobedience are required in airports. Standing in long lines? Once in a while someone just let out a long, sonorous surreptitious "Mooooooooo!"

Monday: Restate my assumptions. If you die you do so at your own risk.

As long as Judi Dench is getting paid, go for it.

@treefiftyz: Give 'em a break: They're desperately trying to get to the next plug before it dies on the road leaving them stranded without an extension cord.

I recall that in the second or third day of ground school, the instructor started the day with "Never trust your Pitot tubes" and we then spend most of the day working on strategies for checking the information our instruments were giving us. The Flying Computer scenario that is most modern airliners in many ways

With a headline like that, how do you not read this? You don't have to open the article, the picture and headline have told you everything already. It's not like you had a chance to NOT see it, other than not going to the site.

@mikeyhope1: In an interview, she said something to the effect that she was being paid to work in Vancouver with Diesel and Twohy...what's not to like? Personally, I hope that if there's a 3rd, she's in it. It's one of the main reasons I like the new Bonds, the interplay between her and D. Craig.

Interesting to put this in perspective with Googie architecture.

However his functionality was reduced as a result of firmware updates.

On behalf of theatre managers everywhere, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I remember running Cheech and Chong movies, and the audients would spliff-up surreptitiously (the only tip off coming from the smoke in the theatre) but the POPCORN and COKE these guys bought! Concession cleaned up! And considering what a

@mikesprouse: It was the '80's, everyone was experimenting...

@zekestone: That's pretty much my '87 wagon, except mine is in Tornado Red. If I was closer to Ottawa, it'd be mine...AND I'd be divorced. LOVE me some Audi wagons.

I have 2. An '84 and an '87 Quattro 5-speed that I would not trade for the world. (I also have an 03 AllRoad) They are without a doubt The Best Cars I've ever owned, and I've owned a LOT of cars. 60 Minutes be damned, I hope Mike Wallace smokes a turd in purgatory.

What I want to know is what they use to create them. (OS's and programming tools.) And seriously, CIS...if my computer made half the noise yours does, I'd be running some serious virus scans just before I pulled the damn speakers out.

Rightly so. Costco is private property. No one has a 'right' to shop in a store. As a store owner, I can refuse to serve anyone, and they can shop anywhere else. Furthermore, I can request they not photograph me, and broadcasting images of me without my permission is an offense. Like it or lump it, dude, if you want

As a former Apple reseller, I can attest that this sales quota of their is one of my biggest piss-offs about the company, coupled with the fact that when you can't get the product, they shrug their shoulders and say "so? You haven't met your quota, so you're done. Bye." Their regional reps are total assholes, and they

Yeah, I wanna see the return rate on this puppy. I've had no end of Seagate external drives returned because the interface crapped out. The drive itself is probably fine, but Seagate does this weird thing where every 5 years or so, they come out with super reliable stuff, great warranties and prices, and then it all

Honda Civic/CR-X or Accord/Prelude. We-gro tuners with IQ splitters, or old men with funny hats...it'd be a warning to them all.

Wow, you must have a short memory, or were never picked on. Let the teachers know and you're a tattler. Walk off school grounds where the teachers have no power, you're an even bigger target. Tell your parents(which it sounds like he did) and it's dismissed as a typical adolescent thing that he just has to get