
He's d*e*s*p*e*r*a*t*e*l*y trying to get you to chase him and play!

Dumb article. Price? Availability? Site? Hel-looooooo?

1) Meth is a hell of a drug.

I'm no scientologist, and there are lots of times I've felt his acting was...strained, but I have to give it to the guy...I'd love to be the adrenalin junkie he is. Imagine not having any fear of doing stuff like that. Hell, every time I even THINK about buying a motorcycle, I just keep hearing a voice in my head

Why do I drive my Audi 84 and 87 5000 wagons? Because they don't die!

I wondered where Jesse's money was coming from...

Yeah, absolutely. Let's make sure the government gets involved to make sure that people who are TOO FUCKING STUPID TO COME IN OUT OF THE RAIN can be safe at their burger-flipping job.

@AcidSpoon: I agree on many of those points. I would hate to see the death of the control panel, though, but if they're going to do that, a back-end plug-in/MSC for service techs would be a good idea, kind of like the computer port for your car that only techs can access. My biggest bitch about 'making the interface

It's so sad when you Knob Lock comes undone.

@SuperfunkMF: Glad to hear that; I was considering a pre-owned Audi from there, but was suspicious of how many used cars they seemd to have in stock. Now I know...The Rest Of The Story!

@DarthChimay: Isn't it kind of odd that as a newborn, you get to see all the breast you want. Then there's that 17-year interstitial where breasts are somehow taboo...then you can see them all you want again.

@opiate46: I'm pretty sure he has half of Hollywood jerking him off. He doesn't need a machine for that.

"Everybody! Hey, Everybody! Do these Dockers make my ass look big?"

@David L Reinke: Cassavetes' version pretty much rocked the house.

I'm going to have to drive south for 8 hours to see this in a theatre. The local Octiplex only shows movies with 'Blood', 'Death' or 'Disney' in the title, but it'll be soooooo worth it.

Come home, Audi Quattro; your brother the '84 5000CD Quattro wagon with the turbo and the 5-speed shifter are waiting for you to come out and play!

@Plague: ..or as I call it, Monday.

@marythegr8: Yeah, but then you get the nutters who claim that the sanctity of the food is contaminated by 'all the chemicals'...yeah, like the shit they're forced to eat is pure as the driven snow.