
@tetracycloide: Getting communities (both the government and the populace) to use separate systems to poop and urinate into is expensive and difficult. Our infrastructure is based on a much simpler idea before this kind of technology came to light, namely waste out, water in. We're just dealing with TREATING the

@mtfmuffins: Helium is an element. It isn't made like a chemical compound. Since Helium is lighter than air, it goes where a Helium filled balloon goes...up. WAAAAY up. Like, unrecoverably up. And since it's a noble gas, it's very stable and doesn't bind naturally with other chemicals to become a compound we can

I want Helen Mirren and her wonderful...attributes..in 3D! (The day she makes a 3D movie is the day I pop for one of those big-ass Panasonic 3D displays.)

@CopterBob: Ion Torqulator? I went to school with him!

I know text flights look good on paper...

@joncoffee: I heard (iHurd?) he killed a hooker in Cheboygan in 1994! No proof mind you, just sayin'.

What pisses ME off is if you go to the Canadian site, all you get are these sedate greys, silver, flake blues, etc. Where are the REAL racing colours? You know, the cop magnets, the ones that make people go DAMN, I want one of those?

I have been a loyal, although frustrated, BBy user for many years, partly because of stability, partly because of dissatisfaction with iDon't, WinDoze and more recently, Adnoid. I want a secure work machine that I can use rapidly. But lately, RIM has been dropping the ball. Their promised iPhone killer looks firmly

OK, OK, that's kinda dramatic, sure.

Start whuppin' on these crackers with water balloons, paint-ball guns, Klingon lessons and laser pointers, they'll go away. REVENGE OF THE NERDS!!!!

Why don't we just let the Nigerians take it? Crowdsource the fucker.

They might do better if they'd left Shamalamadingdong's name off it.

I took my remote control in one day and surreptitiously started a bunch of machines playing random music and video. The Geneii were not amused.

How 'bout we stop calling them Geniuses for a start...

I suspect it was an inside job.

@jinlee: That's 'run'.

Just to set the record straight, that is a SILICON GRAPHICS (or SGI) supercomputer, powered by Intel CPUs. A LOT of them. But without the SGI interconnects and tweaking, it wouldn't be anything that special. SGI is now owned by Rackable, and doing just fine. Their O3 deskside supercomputer is the envy of the industry.

@8oardR1der: Yeah, I'm sure there's a spot for him at the Szhen Dong plant assembly line, which after Best Buy, must look like Worker's Paradise.

@blehbleh13: 69, actually. One of my favorite numbers. And watch your manners, sonny!

Is she kinda cute in a "hot for teacher" kinda way?