drilon the lesser known spider man villain

so much win :D

Fringe anyone!

My thoughts exactly.

I think these articles need a TL;DR in the end.

'We must go. TO THE MOTHERSHIP!'

So it's like 'amber' in Fringe; sealing off patches. Cool, I trust our world completely now!

one of the good things about this video

I got Rainmeter a few months ago and at first it seemed too complicated so I left it. I decided to give it a shot again after some weeks and found out that it was really easy to navigate through it. So to anyone whom Rainmeter looks complicated, it's not.

Lol. Good one. It really looks that way doesn't it!

Next up, a tool that cleans up this tool when it gets dirty.

Good one!

This is what Antikythera Mechanism was used for in the beginning.

o_o <- this pretty much shows my reaction

Actually Acrobat X is pretty decent when it comes to loading speeds.


I think even the editors are aware of the state of Giz right now and they simply started not caring. It has become an ad infested Facebook wall where your friends post links to other websites. I don't know of being a Giz editor now accounts for more than being a random dude who finds other materials on other sites and

Right you are, sir!

that's two questions (four if you want to be picky)