drilon the lesser known spider man villain

@JDickson87: K for Kudos and 48 the number of people involved in the development. To show appreciation and all that.

I hope their commanding officer doesn't see this (provided he is not one of them)

Not long now before someone finds the face of J.C in one of them.

Still no smart dialing?

Anyone knows the font used on the first image (blue/orange).

The bastard learned the trick from Cupid.

@verditsgerman: A unit of measure you American refuse to use because then you would be normal :)

a true point and click game

"Whether they'd be looks of horror, mockery, or astonishment—hard to say" - I would run!

Hmm, "25 computers were harmed" ... I see a legal suit coming up from the Computer Protection Agency.

@kschang: they are stalking you!

Gmail has this for Firefox too. Haven't seen it applied anywhere else though!

@Xeno: why must they not understand us!

Doesn't look "accidentally" to me. This wouldn't stand in court

@shufflemoomin: there is a button for embedding youtube videos. Just when you are about to write a comment, take a look at the bottom left corner of the comment box, there you will see the all familiar logo of youtube.

@genomecop: to compare to this, she would have to be a 9.5 - 10.