drilon the lesser known spider man villain

@lanspawlo: I remember this one. I couldn't get enough of that spaceship shooting game, what was its name.

@clobclark: there are 5 billion numbers sold. It doesn't neccessarily mean 5 billion people. There are numerous people who use two or even three phones at a time.


Inspired by: bubble trouble game :)

hmm, they make me feel kinda bad that I didn't win :(

Did your print screen keyboard button break or something.

I cannot believe reddit is lagging behind so much. I remember seeing this pic months (could even be a year) ago.

Perfect for people worried about STDs: Sleep Transmitted Diseases

or you can just claim that it is not called pirating unless a parrot, a wooden leg and an eye patch are involved.

Skypebook just doesn't sound right

@Kralous: this is Retard 2: The return of the (fill in something here)

Why Kindle ... again

Didn't we see this before?

@geolemon: ... this one is easier :o

I kinda feel bad for the person who posts the 5th billion and one pic (or is it 5th billion and first).

On this note, I recommend reading "Contact" by Carl Sagan.

Drunk dialing anyone

Use four of these cameras and create a 3D video. That would top it.