Drifting Narwhal

The idea of being able to play these games in handheld mode is what is appealing. I own an NES Classic, but never play it because it’s such an inconvenience, it looks crappy on an HDTV, and because I know many of these games like the back of my hand, they are often mindless quick games to play while a baseball game or

From: Supreme Court
To: Rump
Re: Ban

I think I’d enjoy it more if SCOTUS refused to even grant cert (after all, no dispute among the circuits) than if it issued a crushing opinion affirming the 4th circuit.

It got me to watch the Indy 500 for the first time in never.

I usually don’t yell at inanimate objects but I just told my tv to fuck off.

Not if they’re already fucking you. Vampires are all about class and sophistication, and the number one rule for elegant dinner etiquette is you don’t fuck your food.

Then change the photo. I’d have sex with Kate Beckinsale under almost any circumstance I can think of, and many that I have not.

Also; Jason Chaffetz is calling for an investigation into Comey’s firing.

If you don’t believe in abortion; then don’t get one. It’s that simple. This is not about people’s personal beliefs; it’s about people’s obsessive desire to control all women; particularly their bodies. That is why she supports an “abstinence only” sex education program. This program doesn’t prevent abortion the

There is a distinct difference between being open to other opinions and letting people publish terrible, incorrect information. The NY Times seems to be struggling with this lately. There are two or more sides to many arguments. That doesn’t mean they are all correct, or factually supported, or deserving of attention.

At least it’s becoming more and more obvious why redneck trash identifies with them - they ARE redneck white trash.

When practicing for the RNC, I lined my kids up on the couch and made them listen to me countless times!

Wow. So black woman pays to have two tickets upgraded, and when it comes time to move a person out, the leave the non-paying white woman in first class.

That’s exactly what someone deep into this would say.

So much hate from people who haven’t tried it.

So much hate from people who haven’t tried it.

That meat confetti is amazing.

Or, alternately, “The 8 onliest games for the Nintendo Switch”

I don’t know why these morons keep shooting at moving cars. They endanger everyone else in the fucking street, hit passengers who have no control over the car and risk the car going out of control, thus endangering everyone in the street, when they kill the person in control of a 2-ton vehicle.

Don’t these apply to any relationship, romantic or otherwise?

This is the real reason the men of Fox News are in panic mode and why I’m smiling this morning (her ratings are up 93%!!)