Drifting Narwhal

Digital gauges, awesome then, awesome now, awesome always.

He prefers external combustion

Is it bad that my first response to this isn't "This is what I should look for when I suspect someone is lying," but rather "This is what I should try to avoid doing when I'm lying"?

Why not ?

They'll never stop.

And now we can see why he rebuffed her advances....

Well at least you weren't a dick about it...

I hate to relish this, but his father's metal supply / fabrication facility in Burleson, TX, is nearly completely run out of business because of this, and it PUTS A GIGANTIC FUCKING SMILE ON MY GODDAMN FACE.

When I switched my family to AT&T, I initially got an LG Vu because I wanted to be able to use the phone for more than voice. The Vu was terrible in all respects, so I put it on Craigslist and bought one of these instead: A Motorolo Razr V9:

I didn't know Russia has a F1 team,

I have a Nexus 5.

You clearly are a terrible person for not liking a jumped up remake and a COD clone with mechs. Please die in a fire. /sarcasm

I got blasted on Gaf because I stated that I was not excited for ANY of this news. Apparently I'm a bad guy because I've never been a Halo fan. TitanFall isn't looking too hot either.

How the fuck did Jezebel get credentials for media day? AMIRITE?

My undergrad backpack:

Lucky for them this was not a Volvo demo.

I was expecting to find it parked on top of snow mounds, random ruined houses and maybe sideways in a ditch. I was disappointed.