Dr IDiom

Welcome to the Internet you appear to have discovered a practical example of Rule #34.
Lets not forget that Vivian James as a mascot was a combined effort of both 4chan AND TFYC who are, in fact, a feminist organization that exclusively help female and female identified developers.

Hrm. A username that marks the user as both a Fem(inist) AND a socialist...

^ this is all the correct. The basic principle of defending yourself is to allow yourself to go for the 'dirty tricks'. I did many years of martial arts and nut-shots are still a regular part of my self-defense repertoire. Doesn't matter if you use feet, knees, fists, head... the point is to let you get away.

This. This is a healthy and should be a normal response. All you immodium, backyard, beach, 3 doors down poopers should feel judged. How the hell did the rest of you get so crazy?

I don't think this story classes as 'crazy' so much as 'causing maximum drama'. I once dated a girl (lets call her Mary) who had a bit of a reputation for cheating on her boyfriends, like the fool I was I thought i'd be the exception to this rule, things went well for some time, we moved into a share house with some

I might not be the target audience for this but if i'm reading this correctly Caitlin Moran recommends;

I'm sure every generation of non-parent has said the same thing; in the 80s "Why would I ever want to bring a child into a world when it could all go to hell in a Nuclear handbasket", in the 90-00s "Why would I ever want to bring a child into a world where even the world's greatest superpower suffers terrorist attacks