Dr. Hans

While it won’t exactly be an NSX on four wheels...”

They’re bigger than AA cells.  AA on the left, 2170 cell used in the Model 3 pack on the right:

It’s probably the shitty, lazy take you crapped out up there.

As a New Englander, my last three girlfriend’s have all been from the south. I swear it’s because they’re trying to escape to some reality where people make logical decisions. The fact that the south simultaneously contains crap like this and people gruffly stating, “rules exist for a reason” just blows my mind.

still need to complete 40 hours of supervised driving, and while I’m sure some parents will do that and more, I don’t think I’d really be shocked to find out some parents put in 5 or 6 hours and thought, ah, close enough, and signed off.

Wow, Justin it sounds like you have some real hate issues with Han Solo or are just totally clueless about aviation. As a pilot let me be the first to tell you that if in 50 years of flying these are his only mishaps he’s a great pilot. YOU must have zero idea how much work is involved in piloting an aircraft. And how

It’s not clear whether the incident was unintentional or just mistaken.

If history is anything to go by, Westbrook doesn’t think about his readers at all. 

This, criticizing a pilot for an engine out landing on take off is telling- he’s not the worst pilot, but you might be the worst journalist.

Misheard ATC calls are really common, we’ve all been corrected in read backs, and it’s exactly why we read back. Listening to the ATC audio, it sounds pretty clear, but again that’s on the recording, he was in a Husky, likely had a window open which makes hearing even more difficult.  Thousands of these incursion

I was just thinking that these might be the sorts of mistakes any amateur pilot would make. Flying is complicated, air traffic control is complicated, and I imagine properly hearing instructions from controllers and responding perfectly is difficult. There are probably also a lot of safety margins built in to flight

Look. I like Jalopnik, and most of the authors. But none of you are pilots, as far as I can tell, and it really shows.

You know how many times I’ve seen people cross the active when they’re not supposed to, especially at municipal airports? How many times I’ve misheard ATC and been corrected by my co-pilot, or vice