Dr. Hans

360 degree awareness, honed by learning to drive in Puerto Rico, where it is a contact sport

Assuming the other drivers are trying to hit me

Always prioritizing traffic flow

Not tailgating

Perfect lane observance

Signaling every single turn and lane change

Not slowing down until I have made the lane change into the turn lane

Let’s turn the commenters loose to find Krystal!

Let’s turn the commenters loose on find Krystal!

You say they require OEM, but I think you mean OE - Original Equipment

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) are aftermarket parts that are made by the same people who make the OE

And then there is plain old aftermarket...

BMW has been hurting their brand for the last ten years...

I used to love their cars, but the numb steering and poor handling on the newer ones a a major turn-off

I suspect our eyes will get used to the buck-tooth grills, but BMW is destroying itself by abandoning it’s brand values...

They are also getting MAJORLY


We need this nation wide

Thank you Bradley for this write-up

True is that you have to go 90-100 MPH on a motorcycle on highways in the western part of the country

Before I got rear-ended on my Ninja 1000 this summer I made multiple trips over the pass to California from Las Vegas

As you know this is a busy road, and I found 90-100 MPH to be

The Police seem to the think the white Biden SUV was at fault

The video is not that clear on who did what...

Please keep your TDS off of Jalopnik

I dropped a eccentric shaft sensor bolt into my N52 with 212,000 miles

I looked and looked, got a snake camera, and looked some more and could not see the bolt...

I could have taken off the oil pain, but it is a huge ordeal in this car, did that last year

So I decided to take the risk and assume that the bolt had made

Great coverage David!

I really appreciate the long form deep dive

I would love to see more coverage like this

And, unlike some other Jalopnik contributors, you kept it politics-free

NPR = National Pravda Radio

Here we go again with politics on Jalopnik

Please stop


I didn’t believe could push start an auto either until a friend proved me wrong.

You just have to allow more time for the torque converter to spine up and the pressure to come up, but it does work.

Best going downhill.

Funny to me that this article is... Useful to people?

The real challenge when you have to drive and

I just spent five years in Atlanta.  The driving test is composed of holding a mirror up to the applicant’s mouth, if it fogs, you get your license!

Exactly.  Enough of the tech class trying to cover things they are clueless about

Exactly. We had a controller in Bozeman who would let up on the mike early, so his transmissions were clipped. The recordings did not reflect what you heard on the radio.

The other thing is that ATC screws up on a regular basis too...