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    . .

    And Karen drove

    Benefit of doubt, the placard may belong to a passenger. That’s legit. Or non-visible, non-mobility condition. Cardiac, lungs. But you are most likely correct.

    And wrench: We want to be Jalop

    We also want to learn to drive

    We Racoons prefer to think of it as equity re-allotment

    ‘N lot-lizards!

    Keep the guns there

    Forego the bag, and use it en  route. Also evades the Racoons.

    For the longest time, I thought the Carolina Squat was done when no privy was handy

    Best suggestion. Writing gets you to partial tax deduction?

    And window shoes

    Miatas do that to my Caterham

    Agree. I feel I can place the agile car more safely, and my target size is reduced. Also response is better at emergency extremes.

    A mule for each wife?



    I got a Taycan up to 286k

    Name's Gumb. Jame Gumb.

    Needs moar rust- D.T.

    Slideshows are my favourite car details