
@wjbean: They'll probably file outside of the ninth circuit.

The snorks.

Being late in a salaried position won't usually make you lose your job, but it will certainly cost you more than $250 a year when you're overlooked for a promotion.

@jcrane2: These are shorts. And I take my employees seriously so long as they're on time and wearing clothes.

@achilleselbow: Agreed! Lesson one in life, law and business: It's not what you know, it's who you know.

@Platypus Man: I have. With the volume turned to 70% on a stock Bose car radio in a well insulated car, I won't hear a siren until it's very close. I suppose it depends on the car.

Turn it into a dedicated book scanner.


@Eustace Silly: I never read the opinion pages of any paper, but I'll take your word for it. And let's hope that never happens because America has already seen way too much dumbing down in all media.

@Eustace Silly: haha... but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Newscorp owns The Wallstreet Journal too and that's the best newspaper on the planet.

@N@tedog: The reference was a mocking stab at Christians, Jews and Muslims because Jesus Diaz is an asshole that can't keep his beliefs to himself without trying to offend 90 or so percent of the world.

Note Everything should be on this list. I would abandon android for windows were it not for it.

@The Squid: You are comparing pedophilia to homosexuality? Do you mean to compare sexual conduct between consenting adults to sexual contact between an adult and child? If so, that is ridiculous and I'm afraid you misinterpreted what was written.

@snownpaint1: You lie! Gasoline evaporates too fast for that. Buy a shovel or use explosives like the rest of us... damn hippie.

@vinod1978: Royalties aren't at issue here because they are not suing for any kind of profits or contract claim; they are suing under a tort theory. And as far as the legal issue, remember that the burden of proof in civil court is substantially less than in criminal court. Think 50+1 percent (preponderance of the

@The Squid: Squid, you should associate with better people.

@andrew_berge: Yes, yes, you'll go to jail... because apparently the police are in my basement, and garage and everywhere looking for people melting pennies.

NYC? I only drop calls in parking garages. Ditch the Iphone people.