
This should definitely be offered on more cars, ESPECIALLY Subaru. Their lower end offerings have engines that I think could easily get a power bump. And Toyotas (I'm looking at you, 4-cylinder RAV4).

So they’re “jerks”, but you gave them some of the attention that they desperately wanted? Great job! You’re enabling asshats.

To me, a Tesla feels and rides like it was made by Ikea (great in many, many respects, tho maybe not those that matter to you), while a Porsche feels and rides like it was made by Porsche (the main/only complaint will be the cost). 

If JLR can ask outrageous prices for vehicles that fall apart, Kia, with their stellar reputation for reliability, can surely ask these prices. NOTE: My opinion about JLR vehicles is based on my OWN experiences; yours may differ.

Any company offering a car like this today would sell exactly ONE of them, and that one sale would be to a group of 2000 jalops who pooled their money ($45 each, which is the maximum amount that a real car should cost, according to those same jalops) in the hope of showing the company that this is the perfect car

I think the SCG cars are pretty ugly, but this thing looks absolutely amazing! All of the proportions just seem right to me. It doesn’t have a bad angle at all.

GODDDDDAMMIT THAT DASH IS UGLY!!! Everything else is absolutely amazing. These cars are beautiful, and that engine is just amazing. But you’re inside it more than anything, and I can’t imagine being happy about looking at that dash for more than 30 seconds.

As a young kid we went to someone’s farm where a bunch of us were playing all over the place. In an old barn, I found a fuse box. I decided to grab a fuse for some reason (remember: young kid), and that thing knocked me back as if I had been pinched in the face. That was THE worst barn find I’ve ever experienced.

Who the phcuk gives out ANY information over the phone?!?!? To someone who called YOU?!? somewhat appreciate the article, but I can’t believe that someone who can navigate Twitter would give out any kind of information over the phone. This is so stupid it hurts. 

Is there a way to download them all?

I think that’s a Kia.

You're looking for the Volvo V90, which is a beautiful wagon.

I owned THAT one (well, same color and wheels) and I loved it. I was just daydreaming about it the other day. Terribly low on power at 143hp (!) from the V6 (!) and the paint was iffy at best (mine was peeling on the hood at just 3 years old), but I loved that thing.

That thing (truck/SUV/racecar) has absolutely perfect proportions to me. It's a thing of beauty, and they should sell it directly to consumers, electrified or not.

I like that he's wearing a hi-vis jacket but no helmet.

It's an Urus Coupe!

There is no reasonable excuse for a $400(!!!) backpack. I'm sure the GR1 is great, but holy hell that's a lot of money.

There is no reasonable excuse for a $400(!!!) backpack. I'm sure the GR1 is great, but holy hell that's a lot of

Sisu is a company that sells an awesome "almost hard" night guard for under $50 that you mold yourself. It's the best one other than one from a dentist.

The real point is, once you’re past security, STAY THERE. Don’t leave unless your flight has been CANCELLED and the airline has told you to leave. Otherwise, you can definitely have problems.