
Here I was thinking it was one of these:

I was all good until Threepio... that was just... wrong... I mean... wrong...

Nope. Stennis. They only do subscale firings in Huntsville. The population has encroached on the old test areas too much to do full scale firings. You can bet your sweet butt though that this thing was thought up @ MSFC.

I want to go ahead and do a bulk answer answer to all the "ZOMG it's a capsule, we did it in the 60's, what about modern tech"... blah blah blah.

The whole thing does have a Star Wars look/feel to it. I thought it was a SW spinoff set on Tatooine!

SQUEEEEEE! awesome

I'd be nervous of doing this with anything over a 16x20... might be too heavy otherwise.

Missed one!


Ditto. Got the same bug.

Little red wagon, standing by!

There's some perspective for you.

So Say We All!

Dr. Ball!

Looks like the foundations of Coruscant if ya ask me...

yeah... talking vibro-light saber... creepy.

I second the armadillo. Looks like it has a plate on it's forehead.

Looks like 2 rocket engines with domes where the turbo-pumps should be...

I second that... yikes!

Anyone else think that the pic of Emma Frost in the steel chair (9th pic I think) is a rip-off of the scene from Basic Instinct... Sharon Stone... chair... merkin...