
HELP!!! What is the name of this song???

I agree, looks terrible.

I want to learn to make videos like this. I'm curious about everything from the camera they used to film this with, to the editing software, to the methods used to edit this. Is there some sort of online film school?

So really it's the prequil to fight club?

WTF is a duraguard warranty and who the hell comes up with these lame names?

Did it stop being a slow memory hog?

Uhh... This isn't Bungee Jumping.

You keep widening the argument instead of focusing on specific points, which makes it kind of difficult to respond and for me to ask questions about your thoughts and points in any detail. :-/ I'll try to do it by what I think is the main idea in each of your paragraphs. Lets try to narrow the discussion down a

So lets see. Lots of big-government meddling (as opposed to little government meddling?), meaningless goals (setting goals to bring back manufacturing jobs and education is meaningless?), tax cuts for favored industries (tax cuts for all industries willing to keep jobs, manufacturing, tech or otherwise, in the US and

Good luck washing the olive oil out of that handle.

Ohh those crazy Norwegians!

My only two questions are does it put down 11's's and does the air conditioning still work?



Funny we have 10k lakes in MN, and salt the shit out of our roads, and I don't see any dead fish, besides the ones we catch and eat.

Have you seen the ones where the people open the doors and jump out of the car prior to the impact? Ive even seen one where the car then slid on top of them.

I freaking love these videos.

Dean: It's on.

That looks really big.

Front end looks terrible. Front wheelbase could stand to move forward a few inches. Loose the pointy nose, loose the grill, and the squinty eye head lamps. The whole thing looks like it was made for a 18 year old girl.