
Sure they can. The so called bandwidth drain isn't much of a drain at all. The reason ATT & Verizon don't offer unlimited anymore is not because they don't have the bandwidth, it's because they can make more money by giving the user less, and charging for overages. People can't give up the data plan now that they have

Well the fires weren't fully put out until some time in December.

Hmm.. you could really go either way. The Black wow, is a restoring chemical and has worked very well for me. I've not tried Back to Black. The first ting that pops to mind with Back to Black is can I screw this up or is pretty much idiot proof? Because the Black wow stuff is super easy, and I can re-apply as needed.

Buy 'Murican! But seriously wasn't there a story a few months ago about Chrysler factory employees caught on their breaks drinking and smoking pot? And then it happened again month later? Or was it GM?

If by "until you remember the Warthog will be in the upcoming Forza 4" you mean won't be in Forza 4 in any useful shape or form then you're absolutely correct.

He he, your money just blew up!!!

Hey, it's not their money. Shit I would have done the same, when else are you going to have this much fun at everyone eases expense?

Ughh. This is like watching a hostage video, where the hostage is forced to read the terrorists list of demands.

A tubular chassis car, does not and Ariel Atom make.

It boils down to a communications issue. If a customer knows that the tech is running late, they would not have a problem with it. It's sitting there blind wondering if he is even coming that's what gets people upset. Improve communications and scheduling by adding dispatching and the 'service' will improve. I think

Yea there is that. But there is also the guy that drives up to your house sits in his van for 5 minutes as I watch him out the windows, and then leaves. When you call the company and ask WTF they say, the installer rang the door bell and no one was home, so he left. The article isn't talking about the various problems

So this is a tech article how?


I wish most of them could be replaced by a train.

Well what the hell did you think was going to happen?

Well there is no reason that it can't serve a dual purpose, the ship could very well be outfitted to conduct scientific research. Things are used for multiple purposes all the time. Like that Kia Sedona minivan you just got is not only for picking up transvestite hookers, you can also drive your family of 4 around in

ohh mini :-(

So how many miles can one drive like this before needing and engine rebuild?