$1,000,000 -- there, I called it first.
$1,000,000 -- there, I called it first.
I noticed during a Taylor Swift concert, that they zip-tied all the chairs together [on the field] so you can’t pick one up and throw it...
Simple, elegant and funny. Nice!
I follow some couple on Insta for their food pics and she only uses the beautification filter on HERSELF, haha... She’s gorgeous and married a troll, thanks to those filters. But hey! Her hubby is fiiiiine with it and that’s all that matters. :P
I feel their STEM analogy was just a sample/example of something to aspire to. I’m sure any real blue-collar job is acceptable as well.
Some guy in my area has passed me in a red Lexus LC numerous times and it’s one of those cars I would never ‘think of buying,’ but would absolutely trade my soul for whenever I see it, haha.
Unlike gun laws, we can still save freedom for Women and their bodies.
Yay for humans laying waste to every corner of the world, but wow, we *also* kill 70,000,000,000 animals on this planet per year?!
Eventually AR will be AMAZING. It all comes down to wearability: can it look like a pair of glasses and not weigh much more? The only reason the answer is still ‘no’ is due to technology and miniaturization, but we will get there.
Another fucking moron using terrible laws to direct America down Route Stupid. We’re all mostly helpless at this point and there is no secretive Society of Intellectuals to save us; it’s just morons as far as the eye can see!
I like her comments about minding everyone’s own situation; Nick can pay for the kids, so welfare’s not an issue here like it was with Octomom (throwback!)
NAILED IT. Cigarettes get cancer photos and insane tax hikes while the alcohol industry is coddled and should be more regulated than guns if we ‘really cared about drunk driving’ (versus installing breathalyzers in cars, WTF?!)
I love the food, but The Cheesecake Factory is a miserable experience overall. From the massive, unseated crowd of tourists up front to the aimless and lawless flock of folks just trying to order cheesecake for carry-out, it’s the Big Box version of restaurants -- the Walmart of restaurants, if you will -- and I’m OK…
You have to remember that every C-level executive in a company like Waystar has a vested interest in said company before they cash out; naturally, they’ll minimize the company’s exposure to protect both (A) their own interests and (B) other employees who still have to work there at day’s end. They won’t ‘shame’ their…
Facts don’t matter; Waystar controls the narrative no matter what ‘facts’ Gerri has.
Um, Dan Reynolds is looking FINE after all that Crossfit... Have y’all seen the countless TikToks of him strutting shirtless at every recent concert? Dude’s selling the goods and I’m not talking about his 10 year-old songs!
Dammit’ FOX News! -- you were supposed to contractually block this douche from doing any other ‘news’ format show for one year. UGH.
Anybody see that cute comic of the boss talking to his employee?
EMPLOYEE: “Sir, that’s a beautiful Lamborghini!”
BOSS: “Thank you! If you come to work every day, put in 110% effort and always do your best, then one day, maybe I’ll have another one!”
That’s the luxury car market yesterday, today and always. Folks you see…
I kindly disagree. When you have a white-collar office job and are surrounded by intellectuals who each try to outdo one another on a daily basis, you’ll hear the most mundane thoughts turned into Einstein-style comments like ‘has the 16-oz restock been fulfilled?’ for missing coffee cups in the breakroom. Manly folks…
Considering how fucking TERRIBLE season 4 of You has been, she’s all the better to avoid it, regardless of reason.