Q: How do I drive a car?
A: Just do it.
Yup, short answers explain everything.
Q: How do I drive a car?
A: Just do it.
Yup, short answers explain everything.
So okay, sometimes a sneeze seems to interrupt EVERYTHING... I’m curious if ‘bless you’ arises from people trying to figure out [over the ages] what to say if they (A) startled everyone or (B) interrupted a silent moment.
I’m sure people still say it to appear holier than thou, but ‘excuse me’ sounds like a nice thing…
I do this too.
With my time-waster, I just mumble out “you’re right” or “totally” every other sentence as they speak. Sure, it still takes up my time in a small way, but it’s the only way to easily deflect a self-indulgent manager without being mean or dismissive.
As someone who enjoys a more mutual conversation where I ask questions and have them asked of me, I can tell you that people who just talk about themselves really are the worst and you can identify it after their 3rd comment.
Typically, I’ll let the other conversationalist get two points out, but if they’re drawn out…
Ah yes, the New American Way: say something incorrectly and you must go away simply by the dictate of the dumber, more impish America that now exists and cannot forgive public mistakes, comments and/or acts. Ugh.
SPOILER ALERT QUESTION... stop reading now... otherwise...
One question I had after seeing this wonderful movie was how Luv was able to kill two employees of the LAPD (in the LAPD headquarters, no less!) and throughout the movie, nobody was looking for her. Meanwhile, one replicant (Officer K) goes off baseline and…
This ‘article’ (setting a low bar with that description) is full of shit and not everyone feels Bill Maher hates all Muslims, not everyone thinks Confederate will be terrible-by-default and not everyone feels HBO is inherently and unconsciously racist. I’m pretty sick of this Freudian atmosphere where people don’t…
Considering the victim’s partner could have had a stick of TNT and two Magnum revolvers on herself, it seems very poor tactics to have both officers taking down an unarmed man while the OTHER passenger could still pose a danger, no? I mean, she could be brandishing all those weapons and nope, there those fools were,…
The Glade brand of car air freshener products is the only winner here.
From a business standpoint, I’m curious whether this color outsold ‘wigger white’.
Excellent advice! I do web design for my own business venture and design for other companies as well. I found myself slowly slacking on my own business-related [web] updates because I sat in the same place doing work for OTHERS for way too long. Slightly different plot compared to telecommuting, but the point remains:…