
If you believe the Internet, it's semi-likable Food Network personality Rachael Ray.

He was once, and for a decent chunk of time. Biggie only made two albums. Pac only made three good albums. Kendrick's major label debut only came out five years ago. Whereas Jay-Z has been doing this for 20 years, and has 14 records. Some of them are pretty bad, especially the ones leading up to this one. But his best

I'll say this much re Alba v. Paltrow: I was given a bunch of Honest Company diapers at our baby shower, and at least those successfully fulfilled a very tangible function.


Once again, Real Life 2017 gives us some painfully on-the-nose symbolism that would be booed off the stage if someone wrote it into a play.

Incredibly rare for a reunited band to both recapture the spirit of its prime-era incarnation, and also appear to have comfortably aged and matured in the meantime. Afghan Whigs were definitely that band.

I was in my early 20s when I finally condescended to try reading them. I had already made more than my fair share of cracks at college friends for reading "kids books," but as an at-the-time aspiring fiction writer who idolized James Joyce and Thomas Pynchon*, I figured it might be a good idea to see what kinds of

It's a pretty excellent point. Directors on films like these are treated remarkably similarly to screenwriters - and on most big tentpole movies, it can be a toss-up whether certain credited writers had a single line of dialogue that survived in the finished product.

Nuclear hot-take: As much as I would have loved to see an Edgar Wright Marvel movie, I don't 100% buy his professions of naïveté here. People ask, "why would Disney/Marvel hire Edgar Wright if they're not going to let him make a full Edgar Wright movie?" I think the better question is "why would Edgar Wright agree to

It’s interesting how many famous one-hit-wonder songwriters from the 1990s went on to far more lucrative music careers after their one shot of fame was over. Linda Perry from 4 Non Blondes wrote giant hits for Christina Aguilera and Pink. Dan Wilson from Semisonic has probably already paid his

Very common. Steve McQueen basically rewrote "12 Years a Slave" from top to bottom, which is why he pulled that hilarious fake-clapping thing when John Ridley won the Oscar for it.

I had to Google what that tweet was…uh…wow.

As for the disparity between Diana's mourning for Steve Trevor and Antiope, I thought it was virtually identical to the way "Star Wars" has Luke get over the deaths of his surrogate parents in a few seconds, only to be devastated by the death of Obi Wan, whom he's only known for a few days. It doesn't make sense if

Credit for that goes to our Lord and Savior, what's-his-name from the Kottonmouth Kings.

Don't forget the $500 bottle of Grey Goose if you want a place to sit down.

San Bernardino was truly Mecca for twitchy dudes in candy necklaces.

We called it E as 15-17-year-olds in the late-90s for sure.

There was such a weird micro-generational gap thing there: When I was a teenager, we "dropped E," and people like 4 or 5 years older "did/took X."

When you combine a difficult-to-accurately-dose drug that makes you want to dance for hours with 100-plus degree heat and alcohol…bad things seem pretty inevitable.

It's a wonderful song.