
Totally. I mean, if they were still just writing eight stories a day about Grizzly Bear, that would be pretty sad (and they would probably be out of business). But sometimes you can really sense the strain of a bunch of lifelong hyperanalytical indie rock nerds suddenly trying to be hyperanalytical pop/R&B nerds.

Dear God, really?

She's made three movies in a row that range from pretty good to excellent. Tom Hooper has won an Oscar. Not sure how your position is tenable.

It's a good thing the Internet always follows through financially on things they demand in a fit of retweets and groupthink.

I need some filmmaker to shoot me walking through a bar in slow motion for the first few seconds of that song, then smash cut to me throwing off my jacket and roundhouse kicking bikers in 2x speed when Cornell yells "don't touch me!"

I know a guy who interviewed Soundgarden shortly before they broke with Badmotorfinger. He says his girlfriend broke up with him, thinking he was secretly gay, because he wouldn't shut up about how incredibly good-looking Chris Cornell was for weeks afterward.

I like Mudhoney. They were a really good band. But did they EVER make anything as good as Badmotorfinger?

This is a great piece. Really nails it. One of the real failings of the whole Seattle scene* — and I highly, highly recommend reading Mark Yarm's "Everybody Loves Our Town" to really get into the nitty-gritty of it — was the humorless, self-policing approach to credibility and authenticity that ended up seeing the

PWR BTTM only sold 800 records, but every person who bought one filed at least five stories about their sudden collapse into pariah-dom.

Same here. Like, "we really don't celebrate it like this back home, but we like beer and margaritas too, so we'll be cool and go with the flow just as long as you white people can manage not to EXPLICITLY insult our heritage for a few hours and…"

As a former bass player who grew up in Arkansas, his twitter bio causes me immeasurable pain.

As a white guy married into a Mexican family, who grew up in a largely Latino neighborhood, I've always thought there are few cultures more willing to laugh at themselves, and give people the benefit of the doubt for jokes, as Mexicans. You have to really be an asshole to cross that line into unacceptable offense.

There's also a Hollywood agency company called The Agency Group. This city really is a font of creativity and imagination.

Depp is the kind of guy who was once cool enough to be able to hang out with Brando and Hunter S. Thompson, but he was never cool enough — and certainly isn't cool enough now — to get away with the kinds of things they got away with.

Watching the Republican responses to this interview, I'm reminded that there's a special place in hell for the pundits and compromised academics who rush to find some sort of tortured explanation for Trump's latest explosion of word vomit.

"Hey 2015 me, it's 2017 me. I've come from the future with good news and bad news. Good news: Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, and possibly Sean Hannity will all go down in a blaze of shame and falafel stories very soon. Chris Christie's dignity will be blown into a million pieces on live TV, while Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio

My entry points into Talking Heads were the Stop Making Sense soundtrack and The Name of This Band Is Talking Heads, both of which are greatest live album of all time contenders. It wasn't until later that I sat down with Fear of Music and Remain in Light, and the studio originals couldn't help but sound like kinda

It's really an excellently-made concert movie, even if you don't like Timberlake. It's widely available to watch whenever you want. You could try watching it, or you could continue to snark on it sight unseen. Whichever route you think will enrich your life the most.

I watch that one almost once a year, The last time I saw it was the day before the Grammys were on, and it was eye-opening to realize just how wide the chasm is between Demme's directing on SMS and the way we're used to seeing live music presented on TV. It's not even a question of technique, editing, camera

It's a fool's errand trying to make predictions anymore, but I don't understand the strategy either. Man was elected with the lowest percentage of the popular vote in history, in a truly bizarre election with no precedent in US history, against an opponent who was also historically unpopular. Even without his obvious