
Exactly. Watching "Citizenfour," you're continually shocked when you realize, "holy shit, they actually shot this while everything was happening. We're literally inside the hotel room with him, and he has no idea what's going to happen to him…" You usually never have footage that intimate and extensive of

Mid-budget adult movies that aren't specifically, cynically designed to be Oscar contenders are going to essentially be extinct in a couple years.

I have vivid memories of sitting there as a kid watching the sketches waiting for Rage to come on — I really didn't know what it meant to "bomb" onstage until I saw that.

In all sincerity, Kanye is an artist who delights and exhausts me in equal measure, and he's always been "difficult." But he hasn't seemed particularly well for at least a year, and I've been finding myself really grimacing when I've seen people reflexively make jokes about crazy ol' Kanye. Dude clearly needs some

That's hilarious/adorable.

He just absolutely does not give a fuck. And to quote Noel Gallagher, it's not some sort of studied, strategic not-giving-a-fuckness. He really doesn't give a fuck. He stopped giving a fuck somewhere roughly around 1969, and has only sporadically given a fuck since then. He does Victoria's Secret commercials and

I don't wish him an early death, but I would love if he could get a look at some of his own advance obituaries: "Historic loser of the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump, who also engaged in business activities of some sort, died on TK, just TK years after his humiliating defeat in the…"

This is likely the first and only time I'll ever say this, but if you didn't watch the live feed of that regional Nevada courthouse, holy shit did you miss out.

Imaginary Player? 2 Many Hoes? Ignorant Shit? Uh…Beach Chair?

I was just thinking about that while watching the new Oasis documentary. Like, I'm sure there are still drunken hooligans from council estates who enjoy rock music, but how many of them are sitting practicing scales on guitar to try to break out of their crappy environment?

I have teenage nieces, and their entire conception of rock is basically "stuff that was on classic rock radio when I was a kid in the '90s" + "stuff that was on modern rock radio when I was a kid in the 90s" + "a couple White Stripes songs." They're much better versed in Zeppelin and Nirvana than anything that was on

I feel like Kanye's personality is anchored, deep down, by this reservoir of intense internal self-doubt and regret, and his most interesting music has been born of the tension between that and his simultaneous out-of-control narcissism. The narcissism frequently gets the upper hand, especially in recent years, but

Man, he was really bricking his guest verses for a while there, wasn't he? There was also the Timberlake one with "chocha ruined pop cul'cha," or then the Drake verse on NWTS: "Shout out to World Wide Wes/Everywhere we go, we leave a worldwide mess."

"Hey look, it's a charmingly dorky normcore dude, participating in the political process, asking an actual substantive question about energy policy as if our elections were taking place in the Athenian agora and not on the killing floor for some freakish failed-state bloodsport. He seems gentle and earnest and

I can rarely make it through an entire Pitchfork review or essay without hearing the following Mr. T Experience lyrics:

Here's the thing about Napoli — none of those things are untrue, per se, but it's still somehow one of the most romantic cities on the planet.

JuBe merda. Infatti.

Wait…there's another Serie A follower on these boards?

I went to New York for the first time when I was 19. Crashed on a friend’s couch in Brooklyn, and more or less spent 5 days just wandering around. On my last day there, in Manhattan, I randomly happened upon a girl who’d lived in the dorm next to mine – we’d barely spoken during the school year, but I definitely had a

Right. He was The Shape, the boogeyman. The only thing you needed to know about him was that he was terrifying.