
The review mentions this, but it's insane how many of the most vital, interesting details of Hank's life are just left out of this movie. You never get any reference to the legend of Williams learning guitar from an itinerant black bluesman who was then buried in an unmarked grave. You don't get to see his death. You

My family will never let me live down that one Christmas Eve when I showed up with the Control DVD, saying, "Oh hey, I heard this was really good. We should watch it after we open presents."

I'm kind of glad I'm not talented enough to create a fictional world with an active, devoted fanbase. Sounds awful.

Maybe I lack some essential Anglophile gene that allows me to understand why the Stone Roses were as beloved as they were — I think their songs are mostly…fine? — but even I know this song is a masterpiece.

"Hogan doesn’t seem to have considered the possibility that some of us
would rather not see a video of a wrinkly old wrestler having sex."

I will always consider it a black mark on the career of Bob Dylan that he never harnessed his hilariously inexplicable hatred of Donovan in "Don't Look Back" and turned it into a full-on diss track.

Aha. I mean, I hate anyone who's marginally more successful than me too…

Me (checking Gawker recently for the first time in many years, after a discussion with a coworker, who was a regular reader): “500 Days of Kristin Cavallari”? Who the fuck is Kristin Cavallari?

One of my favorite songs. And one of the drunkest performances in the history of SNL:

This is a good point.

It's not that I haven't liked some of them, but has anyone noticed how the almost hyperventilating excitement over resurrected cult series grinds to an abrupt halt maybe a week or so after the series returns? I mean, obviously there's going to be more enthusiasm and publicity leading up to the release than after, but

For two years I lived in the same area of LA as Sean Gunn, and would randomly see him at least once a month. Not doing anything interesting or Kirk-like, just shopping at Albertson's, or buying coffee, or going to a movie or whatever. But still, he would pop into my daily life with Kirk-like regularity. I can't help

I was in a band for 4 years. We were best friends when we formed. We recorded one EP, and went on one (two-week) tour. Sadly, we were never forced to deal with any of the pressures of fame, or money, or diverging artistic interests. None of us had a drug problem. All we had to do was hang around each other a lot and

In all seriousness though, I went to see AC/DC probably 15 years ago, and it was the loudest show I had ever seen by some magnitude. At that point I had been to probably hundreds of punk shows, I'd seen Motorhead, seen Slayer, seen Public Enemy. But I'd never heard anything that preposterously loud. When they did the

Browsing comments both here and (especially) on other sites' reviews, there seems to be an interesting Drudgian influx of "America/Britain fuck yeah!" discourse.

Which is hilarious, because his whole rambling explanation is played for laughs in the film — he sounds like a stoned college kid trying to explain spacetime. And yet it's one of the smartest musical arguments any of them make. Such is Kirk's curse: his opinions are correct, but he sounds like an idiot expressing them.

Pretty much inarguable.

During my brief spell as a music writer, this was the bane of my existence. Everyone talks about bands as "they." The most natural way to write about them is "they." Using "they" gives you far fewer instances of verb confusion. And yet, according to every copyeditor I had to work with, "it" is the correct pronoun.

Interesting. I will say though, when you watch live stuff from the Justice tour, he hits his marks a good 85% of the time. Which for some of those songs, is pretty impressive.

Like a lot of people, I grew up playing the first four Metallica albums to an almost obsessive-compulsive degree, and then stopped sometime around high school graduation. I recently picked them back up, and was surprised not only by how well "Puppets" holds up, but how much it SWINGS, for a thrash metal album. Thrash