
Enjoy these precious last few months while you can. Once you hit 30, you'll suddenly find yourself having a picnic at the Hollywood Bowl with half a glass of Chardonnay, praying that those rumors of Sara Bareilles joining Mumford & Sons onstage tonight are true.

As a just-turned-30-year-old, I think I've passed the age at which Op Ivy has much appeal for me. I listened to Energy a few months ago after not hearing it for many years, and it just seemed exhausting and a little bit cheesy.


I remember seeing this several years after it came out, and being shocked that it wasn't a bigger-deal at the time of its release. It's certainly not perfect, and the whole Hoffman-Paquin subplot didn't quite work for me, but man — aside from "Do the Right Thing," it's easily Lee's best film. It's still the most

Nasty Nasdaq, y'all gonna bow holmes, to Dow Jones
.80 cal chrome, needed time alone to zone
The mack left his iPhone and his 9 at home
- Nas

Look, LemLemoncloak, it's not this reviewer's fault if you want a dude who wear a mask all day.