Fins Rule

Hey let’s go to a far flung place he never went to and throw his ashes into the sea there - yeah that makes perfect sense.

Hahaha...  This dim wit doesn’t know wether to wind her watch or scratch her arse.

Who writes this stuff?!?  Dim wit...

“While neat in an of itself,....”

What David termed as being a “ribbed fuel tank skid” is not. It is a flexible heat shield meant to block the heat of the single exhaust pipe which runs directly below the length of the plastic fuel tank.

  ^^^  “word salad”  ^^^

I was there and they were fabulous. Did my 80's time in S FL and it was on fire ;-)

30 year ASE Master Tech here... Engine breaking does NOTHING to damage a manual transmission, clutch or the drive train. I’m not gonng to get into the technical why and why not. But think about it, it’s a natural part of normally driving manual transmission vehicle.

That was not a green field, it was a marshy swamp. The plane would of at best dug in and flipped arse over tea kettle if he went in there. Also the road was a built up berm with a narrow shell rock road. That of been the best. This guy had nerves of steel. Notice how he quickly ‘made’ the area he was going to

Says the guy with a freaking hog ring in his nose. Thanks for the sage advice, Captain Obvious...

Or an auto mechanic...

Technically what occurs inside of a combustion chamber is a ‘controlled burn.’ This is beautifully illustrated within the footage this dude captured.

This idiot is an organ donor in waiting...

How ‘bout mentioning the original file deleting utility, Shred 2?!?!?

Yeap and also $12 every day at your local Walmart...

Yeap and also $12 every day at your local Walmart...

Dude you’re a useless tool. The ‘72 Fins are Gods. Get over it...