
Dude it’s what electronics they pack on top of the motor. They could move those to the interior floor to give you a frunk but you would Just loose space elsewhere.

Uhm dude, Mercedes released the B-class electric with this layout back in 2014.

Sure, but that would require moving some electronics into the interior and would just equate to less interior space for storage or passengers.

Ccompletely incorrect. They are talking about manufacturing efficiency. Something Tesla has obviously struggled greatly with, even to just supply spare parts. If you think efficiency only equates to mileage then you are very closed minded.

I like 944's but a cab... no thanks

Its from the northeast... no thanks.

I know that EV’s are seen different in terms of mileage. But mercs were never top dog in terms of fuel mileage in any class. So it more of the same really. You got to look at the whole package. Which we need to wait for people to start driving them to see how it all turns out.

They are all over bit the east coast always seems to trend more towards the less functional modification. Like stretching a sport bike.

That's pretty good for a tesla

Yes some state have you keep your plate. My dad has had the same 2 plates on all his cars since I can remember. They send out new ones with the same numbers even.

Honestly the complexity of the cars built in the last decade remind me of the late 70's early 80's. Too complicated too on limit to conform to fuel mileage. Working at a dealer we so many cars breaking down and getting towed in. Lots of major component replacements. Cracked pistons anyone??

The comments on here about snow tires is nuts. Like most things people it’s all relative. Where you live, how cold the winters get, is the snow wet or dry, does it melt fast or stick around all year, wear do you drive or not drive in the winter. Plus most of the people on here are interested in cars and at least pay

A lot this is situational. On a mountain pass or a long down hill... prob best to leave it in gear and not overheat your brakes, on the flip side no need to slam downshifts to come to a stop.

A lot of new designs from BMW and Mercedes over the last decade have taken time to grow on me. Some never do. But the face of that thing is just... yuck.

Doesn’t everything that on the east coast

Ummm how do you awd in a problematic awd system to a front wheel drive car?

I’m just glad to see that tacky quad mid exhaust tip configuration go.

If I'm going to put this in my living room it going to need to be black... end of story. 

No you are not

They look hella broken