
I very much so love Kuler. But I do agree with MRHAMMERSTEIN—Kuler and Whats Its Color are two completely different items.

What media formats are it compatible with? Can it play videos? Can you add plug-ins?

You can get thumbnail size screenshots next to your google search results using the firefox exstention Google Preview.

Cool! At work I am on an Exchange Server. Does anyone know if this will work once I close Outlook and log off of my workstation? As in, will the message and its settings to send at a later time be kept on the Exchange Server and send it apppropriately at the correct time?

A note on the $50 liability for credit cards. I work for a bank where we issue Debit MasterCards. The $50 policy may well be different for credit cards or other banks, but our policy is that you are only liable for $50 if you notify us within 2 business days of the fraudulent charges, and then it jumps to $500 with in…

I tend to do a lot of the already mentioned methods of reminding myself, post its on the front door, emails back and forth from work and home email addresses, but I did not see this tip.