Drew Lockbox

Very sad not to see the obvious winner here


A 48 inch is about 25 percent larger than a 43 and is too big for the room im putting it in. I’ve seen the 48 in stores and it’s just too large for the space.

I’m gonna create the Troll style hotdog. Basically instead of a bun, you use a grilled cheese sandwich.  I’m gonna be famous.

Now nobody can deny that videogames aren’t art, a way to launder money by people who don’t care about it.

Feelings Simulator

I am anxiously awaiting the “Blue Ball” color scheme. Please, oh please, don’t leave me hanging, Kawasaki.

When in the history of commercial cheese production in the US has American cheese been unattainable?

Why did the man put kidney beans in his baby maker?

This is all I see.

“I want to drive you like an animal.”

Block said Musk’s “narcissism” drew his disdain and stoked the belief that Tesla’s business would crater.

Spirit Airlines: We know it was only second degree murder, because if you had planned any of this out you wouldn’t be flying with us.

American Bickerers

Even German explosions are orderly, organized and clean.

I don't know. That one seems to have exploded (view.)

I’m quite carnivorous, but I’m also one of the few people on earth who likes Quorn products. I don’t know why!

Bucks fan over here, and here's my two cents: my brother in law lives in Seattle, and when the Bucks picked up Karl, he told me that I'd like Karl at first, but he'd wear out his welcome pretty soon and I'd end up despising him. Karl took the Bucks to the ECF, decided that they needed more toughness, acquired an over

Ok, here’s an essay on what getting the media to deal with these kinds of issues is like from the other side; Long story short, it’s a depressing nightmare.