
Socialism is good and we should have it in America. Dictatorial Communism as practiced in China and North Korea is bad and tyrannical. It’s not that hard to see how we need government actually by and for all people, and not just run by one person claiming to be the voice of all people. Tencent is in bed with the

sir how dare you? i quite like the terrible mini-game

eh thats reductive. they have movable object puzzles in them as well. but i see what youre saying.

lol this article claims they are identical just like you and states that players chose Alexios over her 2 to 1. so what bias are you talking about?

Uh, Odyssey has puzzles and tombs. Like hundreds of them.

Nope. Don’t like that. Odyssey was perfect.

Choosing Kassandra or Alexios was more than just cosmetic! You’re clearly an Alexios player, Stephen, as any Kassandra player knows that Mahut made a huge difference. She was incredible and they are very different performances despite reciting the same lines.

I’d like to introduce you to Kirk Cousins, Derrick Henry, and the NFC Champion 49ers.

fucking herb! i already miss the indie picks here. so many weird and great games ive been introduced to. thank you heather and best of luck in whatever is next.

I can’t really choose between Majora and this as the best Zelda game. But there is no doubt that this is the one that has aged the best. 

Roth is by far the biggest problem here. The Borderlands IP is what it is. Someone could make a good movie out of it, but no chance that person is Roth.

I put over 110hrs into Odyssey. Finished main game and all DLC. It’s a Top 5 game ever for me. I can’t remember one thing that happened in the modern day stuff. Anytime I was not playing as Kassandra (was Layla her name?) was time wasted.

The 3DS version is the best Zelda game there is. 

The most overrrated and overhyped game of all time.

All the VR Missions Substance adds, and there are a lot, are incredibly good and fun.

MGS 2: Substance is the best game in the series. And honestly, by a lot.

as someone who will never drink energy drinks i still enjoy the hell out of these dumb articles

No one who writes something also cuts a trailer together. 

Don’t ever flute past Desert Land! It’s frustrating and weird and worth it.

 Best? Sure. Only good? Nah.