
This is a case of the punishment not fitting the crime, regardless of the genders of the pincher, and pinchee . The goal should be that everyone learns the behaviour was inappropriate, and that the pincher doesn’t do it again. Bonus points if the pinch person learns its ok to stand up for themselves. What the hell is

I can’t play the “role-reversal” game with this because I don’t think we take down the patriarchy by “making it fair” and criminalizing boys AND girls for things.

Your school was not this school.. you can’t compare the two. This schools policies are different and you should be applauding them for taking a stand on sexual assault.

Some might think you a bum for doing so, but I’m behind you all the way.

This juvenile humor is ASSinine.

Kids, keep your hands to yourself. Adults, save the prosecuting for real crimes and how about just give these grabby kids a stern talking to and explain what sexual harassment is so they don’t carry this crap with them to adulthood.

You’re quite cheeky making this handsy girl the butt of your joke.

This is all very strange. I hope we get to the bottom of it.

Wouldn’t that have a high likelihood of causing the Mason jar to break?

That’s a good suggestion. I’ve lost me marbles though.

What kind of monster eats the skin of a kiwi? I’ve only met one person who does this, and that’s my brother’s ex-wife. That’s also probably why she’s his ex. Well, that and the infidelity.

Guys. GUYS. Usually it doesn’t bother me that North Americans drop the “fruit” from kiwifruit, but this headline did make my skin crawl.

She just wants everyone to be healthy. By weighing less.

I love that Dance Moms clips so damn much!

Honestly? He doesn’t look any less happy than all the adult models I’ve seen in recent runway posts. Looking miserable is very chic.

His look seems familiar....

I wonder what Cheryl Tiegs thoughts are.

I had not encountered the term “husky” until I moved to the U.S. I like it. Husky. HUSKY.

he did make me lol earlier by calling a period a “sensitive week” tho

Starred for making me laugh so hard.