
Can those or any women sue a Governor? For denying them healthcare? Or anything else a class action suit would bring against this dude. I was born in Ohio, no hating on the state. Although, it seems like the new Florida.

No shit, they were largely non-violent, except when illegally messed with. They were strong, organized and proud. They left a legacy, people can fight city hall and everyone in it. I went to jail for my beliefs once, but I had no children to weigh my position against. The FBI was hunting the male Panthers so hard that

The Panthers breakfast for children was/is such a cool idea. They started with thier own community to send kids to school with enough nutrition so they would be able to concentrate on the gift of education.



Dammit! I gotta look down the threads before making an excellent observation, such as you did. Bravo!


Do you know what Lovato was referring to? She replied with passion, I’m just trying to figure out why she thinks the money gift was in poor taste (my words) and larger issues go unheard.

That’s what got me. “getting my hands dirty”. What does that mean? It sounds like Lovato knows something or has been through an ordeal that was harsh or rapey. I don’t mean to make light, just that post got me thinking that she is trying to say she had experiences that Swift is not addressing verbally, but that Swift

We must Vote. This shit cannot stand. Where are the ladies? This is no joke. VOTE.

Demi has a different view, based on the short glimpse you provided. I get her point. There are so many points of discussion when it comes to women dealing with men and power disparity. I’m not going to diss what Demi said .It sounds like it comes from real experienced pain. I get the feeling she has been treated

Since when can pop music types get easily and quickly granted a voice in front of legislators? Demi thinks going that route can just....happen? Doesn’t there need to be a bill to address first?

Does that preclude them from being sweet babies? I want to hug them, please.

Love you!!

City boy Anderson, brave as he is in reporting human drama, is oddly freaked out by animals. That goat is a misunderstood lil lovebug. #teamgoat

So the devil among us is...a goat?

Sweet babies! (?)

Somehow, I don’t see that happening.

Damn. That’s Real. Scary.

Men with long fingernails.....