Fawn Liebowitz

Patronizing racists by pandering to their need to believe they are not racists doesn’t make them less racist, either. In the end, calling racists by their name is not an action intended to make them less racist. It’s an action intended to, in whatever small way we can, legitimize the experience of the victims of

Sweetheart, just because YOU suck a Republican’s dick every night, doesn’t mean everyone else does. You’re just trying to provide cover for your stupid fiancee/husband or whatever the fuck he is so that you two former Trump loving bitches don’t get hassled at your favorite restaurant.

Yes, they absolutely did. That was *absolutely* the message moderates always gave in the past, which is what inspired MLK to determine that moderates were a big part of the problem:

This is what happens when you let Joe Scarborough bang you.  

There is no right way to react to abuse. The abuser will always, ALWAYS use your reaction as an example of why you deserved the abuse in the first place. And they will always get more people on their side.

“Cooning” has been a pejorative verb for quite a while- where you been?

The way to beat any charge in court is to try and introduce as much doubt as possible about pretty much everything, as the prosecutors are supposed to have the entire burden of proof. One way to squash the doubts about what happened and why (which is what determines where a case falls on the spectrum from involuntary

I just suggested it was in the pile of the rest of her stuff she left there.

Welp, she left a ballistic vest, and some other police items including paperwork in his apartment; maybe it was HER weed and grinder that she stole out of the evidence lock up.

At this point, we can't even tell if it was in her stuff, not his.

To include the weed. Let’s be honest. 

Aw, it’s old “Angel Hair”, she’s probably been telling Steve how she saved all those people in that hotel in Rwanda she worked at.

Has someone checked to see if there’s a bar called “The Full Shift” anywhere nearby?

I would bet a whole paycheck that she was drunk and they’re giving her time to sober up.

Now I’m starting to understand why every article mentions “full shift”. They’re going to try to claim she was overworked, when it’s way more likely she was drunk or high, but since they’re giving her time to sober up and get her story straight we’ll never know for sure.

I’ve been to white church a handful of times in my life.

To conservatives it makes the media (and by extension the left) look like a bunch of easily provoked idiots who are so petty and biased they’ll go after Trump over the slightest thing.

Yeah...I disagree. As much as the president has lowered our expectations for what he is as a person, he’s still the president of the United States. And despite the fact that it clearly means nothing more to him than that he can say and do what he damn-well pleases, it’s supposed to mean more than that. And we really

Nothing gets the fans of St Bernard angry like the possibility of a Clinton running for office.

This is exactly why white women cannot be trusted....