Dread Pirate Bob

I wanna see Texas vs. The Mongoloid Cheerleaders

We believe you, you defensive shithead.

The Rolling Stones have tremendous integrity, bitch.

You're one observant motherfucker, Mr. Scott.

I bet you're white, Mr. Fhtagn.

I'm still holding out for a new album by R.L. Burnside.

Go eat a box of brown sugar, Wilford!

Thanks Juanito. I am headed to redbox posthaste.

Don't be sorry. Just try to keep these outbursts to yourself.

Anyone here seen the new Universal Soldier featuring the return of Dolph and JCVD? Is it worth checking out?

you are correct, sir.

I'll let my mom know.

I didn't know John Goodman was in this. I loves me some John Goodman!

As long as this is released on bluray with an awesome bluray of troll 2 itself i'll be there at the midnight release party!

Is the new Universal Soldier featuring the return of JCVD and Dolph worth checking out? Please let me know.

Welll you should ask Ray Liotta. That's what he did to her in some movie last year that I don't care to remember the name of. And I agree with OhNo, the only way she's a 10 is if you give her 9 3/4 for boobies.

Hey! I caught an old goat staring at my man meat the other day. My mom wasn't happy bout that! LOL!

The bathers in Coming to America, if for nothing more than the classic line, "Your royal penis is clean your highness."

System Of A Down - Toxicity was released. That's what.

Keep giving these fuckers hell, hOeresfelllwo!