
It’s a fair question. After all, Life is dead.

My cousin bought a Lexus earning 50$/hr just for holding a sign click the link—->sweetsweetsoroscash.cn✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩

This is what every MMA fight looks like to me.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people want to self-identify as the lowest form of life.

I’m at the point now where I think we should tell any of these states that want to leave the Union to go ahead. We won’t put up a fuss--just take your ball and be your own independent nation. Then we can watch while they try to figure out how to operate without any of the literally billions of dollars they got from us

‘Secessionist Party’....hilarious. Those fuckwits wouldn’t have a clue what to do with themselves without the government that tolerates their existence. But yeah, this is quite satisfying in its’ restrained, graceful execution.

Judging by the depth of his theses and the amount of research typically put into them, I assume his morning consists of waking up to Fuck The Police, his mom yelling at him to turn it down and then rushing him out to the bus stop because Mr. Weathers already warned him that if he’s late for another test, he’s

Thank God someone gets it.....the notion that you can tax the billionaires into oblivion and every social do-go program that could benefit all of mankind would instantly be funded is absolutely insane. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett together might not have enough to fund Medicare for one year.

HamNo is the kind of guy that really should be in academia. Not because his ideas are good, but because that’s the kind of place people with ideas that don’t work in the real world can inhabit with minimal danger to themselves and others. Pretty much anything he’s suggested over the years has no chance in hell of

I am shocked at how quickly some people want to put billions of dollars into the hands of the very Trump administration they are so vehemently opposed.

The problem is not, has not been, will never be, the amount of money coming into the US government. And giving the government more money will not fix any of our problems. It’s like this: Imagine the government is a 12 year old kid. He gets an allowance of $20/week and spends it all nearly as soon as he gets it. All of

The best argument against massively raising taxes on the wealthy is that they’ll simply leave the US (this is, I think, the only argument that is not susceptible to the simple “I don’t agree” response). For example, France’s attempt at a 75% super tax didn’t really work. Though the US is probably better positioned to

As always, the poor want YOUR money, too, Hamilton.

Except that’s the entire point of taxes. The company pays back into society for all those privileges through state and federal income tax. It’s not like they’re just getting a free ride. They’re paying workers and training fees and insurance and utilities etc. etc. etc. I understand the basic concept, but again,

The majority of the comments on this article remind me that the primary audience for Deadspin are stock-sports-bros. Is there an actual reason that HamNo got stuck over here when that gay vampire killed Gawker?

You. Are. High. Seriously, this is the most insane, class-warfare-y thing I’ve ever read. If your entire argument is to take money away from anyone who’s doing well to redistribute it to the poor, then why would anyone ever want to work hard and make money?? Ok, so you start at the billionaires, then what? Then

Thankfully in the real world, a place where neither Hamilton’s polemical writings nor Donald Trump’s policy wonks reside, there is a whole spectrum of choices available to us besides and between “all out capitalism/crony capitalism” and “socialism/communism”.

The primary fallacy in this argument is this though: This assumes that the person in question didn’t also pay in to the roads, to the schools, to the police and the fire department. They paid in as well. So, negating that, it boils back down to the same thing. I should have their money because I want it.

But some of us don’t really like socialism. And we’re not even billionaires. Or even millionaires.

Do we take their money before or after we eat them?