How the hell would you know how much he’s suffered?
How the hell would you know how much he’s suffered?
I agree they’re dumbasses.
This. I would give my left nut for all the shit this kid got out of being questioned by the police for a few hours. He’s been rewarded enough already.
Physical and mental anguish? It thought he had offers from magnet schools across the country and that they were even moving to Qatar or somewhere to go to a special engineering school free of charge?
Yeah! Bankrupt the school district! Down with schools!
Fuck him.
He is not “all Muslim people.” He is one person, in one tiny school district, in one tiny police district.
It has to, but that’s nowhere near 15 mil. Why not 45 mil while we’re at it, why not 6 billion? It’s ridiculous.
Fuck that. This was the best thing that ever happened to this kid, and he was in no way ‘damaged’ to the point of 15 million dollars.
he won’t, and now the kid looks like a money-grubbing asshat.
Honestly, fifteen million is an exorbitant amount, and despite the seriously racist assumption of a teacher, (s)he was probably trying to look out for the safety of all the other students. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve something, he does, just not a giant check to the tune of 15 mil.
I am starting to feel this way, too. It’s looking more and more like a circus/money grab by his father.
I feel like this kid is Kony 2012ing us
i might be wrong
but i already learned my lesson and have an embarrasing tshirt that I’ll never wear in public so
Found on ebay:
2015 USAF Ghostrider Gunship
One of a kind
Babied...never tracked or raced...never wintered.
New wings and recently replaced OEM flight crew buckets.
$50 million OBO.
No tire kickers, no mavericks.
It should be noted that the goal with this car sale, and with most car sales, is to get as much money as possible. So I will veto this idea.
Boston is great.
Hand them to your companion and the go ‘hey, listen to this...’
...said Nobody Ever
Oh man, downtown DC was the worst to explore.
While it’s a bit offensive to say that some people aren’t “made” for democracy, it’s just a contingent fact about the world that some societies aren’t ready for it at the moment.