
How bad does a movie need to be to be worse than DotD? Haven't watched Survival, but just based on the premise, I refuse to believe it's true.

They've got Hitman 5 lined up for a 2011 release - haven't heard anything of it for a while, though.

Wow, that article is heartbreaking. Thanks.

I loved the Selfish Gene when I first read it ages ago. Picked it up recently to re-read, and it was a bad idea. The book itself holds up fine, but I got the 20th anniversary edition - with tons of unbelievably smug, petty footnotes dismissing critics and basking in his own success. No matter how right he is, the

Any game that includes pornomancers is fine by me…

Dammit, why didn't I get that memo? Loved Zelda 2 when I originally played it, still have great memories of it.
Random encounters have their place, especially when they're handled like in Fallout, Arcanum, or even Dragon Age, where they're more than just battles while you traipse around the world map. Finding a downed

Thanks - between that video and Samantha's comments, I think I'll wait a little bit longer than I thought…

@ girard:
Nope, the time not spent playing this game would be spent consuming some other form of mindless entertainment, like crap TV, movies or games. But thanks for your concern.

Guess I'll get it when it hits the discount bins
At least the combat system and character advancement seem to have some depth.
Out of curiosity, is the dialog/storytelling any worse than White Knight Chronicles? That's my new standard for bland/terrible writing- managed to sink the game for me. I can take weak,

Yeah, incredible movie. Nanawateh!
I've kept tabs on the director's career since it came out - shame the director was Kevin Reynolds…

So that's what that Arcade Fire song is about!

I was going to say that M&M3 was incredible, but then I realized World of Xeen was 4& 5 - can't remeber the first three M&M games at all. I know I played them, but even looking at the screenshots I can't recall anything about them…

There were tons of games that had heroes before WC3, used in a similar way - Warlords battlecry is the earliest I remember, but I'm sure there were others before that. Kohan had them, and it remains my favorite RTS to this day.
Blizzard are awesome at what they do, but with WC3 they were cherry-picking from what other

I kind of agree with dog. Starcraft was and is a masterpiece, and I won't argue that it's better than Total Anihilation; it's just a type of better I'm not particularly interested in. Does that make sense?
Blizzard excel at polishing stuff and distilling experiences. I can understand why people hold them in such high

I'm not much of a fan of Blizzard's storytelling. And while I'm sure the SC2 campaign story is better in-game, the trailer they put out made it seem utterly moronic. Cliched, badly written, and, well, plain terrible - here, have a look:

Don't think a Hollywod movie would ever feature Odin as the protagonist, he's too old.
I'd put Loki in the main role. Have Robert Downey Jr play him (put a blond wig on him, if you must). There are at least a few stories of him riding with Thor or some other god before he got Baldr killed.
And if it gets turned into a

Dunno. I hope he does well too, but his stuff is usually a bit too uncommercial for mainstream success.
Here's hoping, though. The guy's very, very good and his movies are consistently awesome.

And if you want your fiction to feature LeCarre-ish realistic spies (featuring Kim Philby!), Djinns and supernatural hokum, you read Declare by Tim Powers.

He's truly great. He gets a lifetime pass from me just for Kaleidoscope, never mind the rest of his stuff.

I love his work, but the game felt like a sub-par Proffessor Layton. The connecting tissue is fine, but the puzzles were uninspired.