
Do you have any idea how many women’s lives and careers have been ruined just by someone’s words alone without a single shred of proof? Sucks that it can now happen to men too, doesn’t it?

if you know of a better way to amass a collection of tombstones for landscaping purposes than inviting your most annoying neighbors over, building a fence around them on your front lawn, and waiting for them to starve to death, i’d like to hear it

This is a spot-on example of “if I can’t have him, no one can”, except that the ‘him’ was a child.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

I just read that David Duke anecdote to my husband and he started shouting ‘you’re goddamn right!’ at the pasta.

Ugh I am so angry at this! I watched this show every week and loved it. I mean I am glad it went as long as 5 seasons unlike some other shows who got cancelled after one, but it should have been renewed!

I love her. I’ve literally spent hours just watching her videos and watching dem asses bounce.

You’re being a pedantic turd. Period.

Sad reminder that one of the most popular religious texts in the world has a chapter about a whole town wanting to rape an angel and the one “godly” person in town is like “guys don’t be crazy why would you rape an angel when you could just rape my daughters”.

AUSTIN BOMBING SUSPECT IS DEAD. (Sadly, not a Muslim immigrant.) Great job by law enforcement and all concerned!


They could’ve just added the woman to the logo so they’re walking together, and NOT SAID ANYTHING.

this will go down smoothly with my lady doritos.

Reason #507 why I wouldn’t want to move to Australia. They are misogynist af.

I remember reading something a while ago that some doctors actually said “Scrubs” was the most accurate and realistic medical TV show they have seen.

My (and probably a million other peoples’) theory: They’ve fucked, but aren’t fucking now*.

See my reply to the other comment!


This is what happened to Small Wonder.

I tried to explain this to a (now former) friend about his friend who I had to ghost. I’d exchanged numbers with the guy, and within a day he was calling every few hours, texting non-stop, calling me his boo, begging to come over. When I told him he needed to back off if we were going to keep talking, he just doubled