Nice anecdote.
Nice anecdote.
They do exist, I swear! They are still somewhat in the dark, bc they’ve been raised in the same system we’ve been. But they are out there
Right? I’m not saying it’s individual men’s faults, but this system teaches women not to speak up unless really asked, and it doesn’t teach men empathy. It really fucking sucks.
Now that’s a hilarious interpretation.
I believe this whole heartedly.
I love me some Hannibal Buress. His giggle is just the best.
Condescending a-holes say things like that. Historically, men have been in power and they fit the bill.
How do we broadcast worldwide that the US is not the place to go for asylum anymore? Go to Canada. Or Mexico. Or another Central American country.
Cool story.
Since when is that the prescriptive way to understand a Sci-Fi story? I get it just fine, and I’m more than capable of understanding multiple facets of stories when they are presented. But really, thanks for the explanation.
I’m following you on the first paragraph. Not fully on the second. Bc they aren’t real tangible people. They are copies of consciousness. They are stuck in the ether, not actual physical beings. I’m not saying it doesn’t count and it’s definitely worth a moral debate, and I think that’s Booker’s intention with all of…
I mean, kind of? I can genuinely see her wanting a baby and that’s why she used Nick. Not as a means to save the human race, but as a means to get what she personally wants and believes she deserves and is due for being so pious. She’s also a really dark character, who dreamt of, and was high on, the thrill of power…
Maybe it’s not a sexual advance, but most predatory behavior isn’t about the sex anyway, it’s about power. So obviously they’ll go the joke route to explain it away. This ish is so transparent.
He’s not wrong though.
Let’s be honest though. Serena’s goal was never to save the human race. It was to use fertility as a moral imperative to put her religious regime into power. It was simply a means to an end.
Oh honey, you don’t add these numbers, you multiply.
You’re not very good at math, are you?
I had a similar discussion with people I know either having been involved in a mass shooting or knowing someone who has. It’s getting to be a majority at this point. So very sad.
This is a spot-on example of “if I can’t have him, no one can”, except that the ‘him’ was a child.