
The Wall Street Journal thinks the convoluted nature of Trump’s wealth, as exemplified by his jet and helicopter assets, makes it difficult to discern how many conflicts of interest America’s next president will face as he institutes reforms aimed at bolstering American businesses.

well said all around

The sub title says...Filed to: “CAR POLITICS”. It should be...Filed to: “MY PERSONAL POLITICAL BELIEFS”.

There is nothing “car” about this...just the long wailing song of a crushed dream. When will they get it that we don’t want to read this crap.

Couldn’t agree more. How many of us would pay more in tax when there is a legal way to avoid doing so. If you say you would you’re either a much better person than I am or a liar.

Dodging and using a loophole are two different things. If the system is broken use it to your benefit. Senator Sanders said the same exact thing when questions were raised over his tax returns and discounts used. If you can use the loopholes use them.

It’s not only ‘not uncommon’ it’s standard business practice. All European commercial jets have a placard showing the ownership and insurance trail mounted quite prominently in the cockpit and these things are not small...

This is not tax dodging. It is called tax deferrance. Paying taxes on income earned today using tomorrow’s dollars is a very common tax strategy. We do this all the time with our incomes contributed into our 401K’s.

This post. Right here.

I get the whole hate Trump thing. He’s pretty easy to hate. While I’d say he’s not the American golden boy ideal, he’s pretty fucking American. Except he’s just a glaringly alarming obvious orange whale of one.

I hate Trump, but in-house leasing and capital assets owned by dedicated LLCs is absolutely ho-hum standard practice. Nothing to see here.

If it is legal, it isn’t tax dodging.

Only a dumbass would pay taxes if there was a method in which they could get away with not doing so. Welcome to the tax code, it’s convoluted for a reason; and that is, so that the politicians that created the thing and all it’s modifications can take advantage of whatever they want. If regular citizens take advantage

Sooooo he’s using legal loopholes in the laws just like every other person. What’s the problem?

failing to see any automotive tie in

If this doesn’t make COTD then this site needs to burn.

Not The F8 of the Furious?  The SVP of Marketing Puns over at Universal really fucked up this time.

I can safely turn off my computer for the day now. There is no longer a need for any more of the internet, it will not get better.

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