
Nope , not what I am asking for. I want pure android. no special crap, no lockouts. let me install whatever apps I want and give it an ODB-II interface built in so I can pull codes and read all the sensors.

Car phone.

There are so many airbags in modern cars, I generally just resign myself to "welp, if they roll this thing at least I'll get a couple good tweets out of it!" when the worst are at the wheel.

At least he is just unabashedly embracing it, I will give him that.

You gotta admit, this is pretty entertaining levels of corrupt.


and insurance companies

Oh, they meant Rally Car not "hahahaha rally car" now I'm interested.

Or the perfect thing to get Doug DeMuro around Philly in the winter...

Doug, don't go pansy and get a Humvee, get a full blown deuce.

This video reminds me of one thing that annoys me... people who scream excessively when they're afraid.


Why do girls find it necessary to scream bloody murder at every thing that's a little scary? I wish people realized how safe flying is and how very very unlikely it is that they'll ever be in a plane crash.

Well, one thing is for sure.... Neither of us lives in Virgina.

Ditches love Holdens?

I would totally watch Darth Vader cook a turkey with force lightning then carve it with his lightsaber.

really cool stuff Tyler, but I'm not sure blackbird stories are going to get you views...its a pretty obscure and unpopular topic on the internet, especially gawker networks

Over all, I like it. There are two things that bug me though.

So wish they would sell it under the proper Honda badging.